Monday, February 16, 2015

"You've always been a mom"

moth·er 1  (mŭth′ər)
a. A woman who gives birth to a child.
I want to scream when people say that.
Bug made you a mom....yeah ok, sure...
There's a saying that women are mothers when they find out they are pregnant and men are fathers once they hold the baby.
Well in my case that was not true.
The entire pregnancy I cringed whenever people called me mama, and especially after Bug died.
I am not one of those people that called themselves an angel mom, called him an angel baby etc etc etc.
Those are all such weird titles to me.
It was also a title that I had not yet earned or deserved.
There is a side of the baby loss community that is proud they were pregnant and had their baby and are a mother to an angel, but that was never me.
Don't get me wrong, I was happy I was pregnant as awful as the pregnancy was. But having had a dead baby was not a "proud" moment for me.
To each their own I'm not here to judge I'm only telling you how I feel.

I was recently told by someone the lame ass "Everything happens for a reason. Dont get me wrong you were supposed to have Bug, but not here on this earth or in this lifetime. It's unfortunate you lost him but in turn you gave someone up in heaven a baby they couldn't have here on earth... you gave birth to an angel which is the hardest thing anyone could ever do. And there is a reason you had Carter. You will soon find out."
Gag me.
Shoot me.
Stab me with a spoon repeatedly....
I can now say I'm a mom....but I wanna smack people who say otherwise.

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