Thursday, August 15, 2013

Dr. Dr. Give me the news

Had a dr appointment yesterday! Baby is growing great and I am healthy as a horse. I finally gained 3 lbs since my last visit so that's somewhat good news but they want me gaining more! I feel like a whale already but I guess I need to be more whale like hahaha! Baby is still breach so we hope it moves sometime soon but who knows. Got another appointment in 3 weeks for the super not so fun sugar test and an ultrasound with the specialist at 28 weeks :) Still sicker then a dog somedays like today, but at getting better. 

Friday, August 2, 2013

Put your hip into it.....

3 days now of terrible hip pain. It sucks and add me being a vomit zombie today hasn't made things any better. 23 weeks and baby still hates me! It's very active and I've  been able to catch it on tape and send it to James now that we're coasts apart.
 My sister has the baby shower totally planned already! She has had made the gender revealing invites, games, crafts, foods, decorations, you name it. She's pretty excited and I'm amazed she got it all done ! 
But I'm done and over today and need to go to bed since I feel like death....
Lets hope tomorrow is better!