Wednesday, May 20, 2015


I absolutely despise when parents complain about the things their children do, or things they have to do for their children, 

Why is it that my child wakes up at the ass crack of dawn?

Why is my kid always sick?

Why is my life nothing but bottles, laundry, and diaper changes?

Why this, why that?

You don't understand that what you are complaining about, someone else wants so badly.

I wanted to scream at all my friends that would complain about their babies or kids on facebook, but I was not about to call all of them out and say, stop, I want that.

Not even that I want that. 

Its that I should be having that.

I will never sit here and complain about how tired I am, or how awful Carter was last night.
I may personally tell you, but its not something that I will publicly complain about. 

All of us parents understand how hard these times can be. 
But be happy that you get to wake up to a baby at 4am.

I know I am.  

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