Friday, January 9, 2015


2013-2014 were by far the craziest years for James and I. 
As you know in 2013 we lost our son Bug. In 2014 we were maneuvering our way through the grief and mourning of Bug while also becoming pregnant and having his younger brother. 
The choice to keep the entirety of this pregnancy and birth a secret is not something we ask you to understand but to respect. After everything that happened with Bug, we just needed to do what we could to get through this pregnancy and have a healthy baby at the end of it.
We hate that we have to address the two following things but its already come up and we just have to say something about it now...
1)Just because we had a baby doesn't mean that everything is now "ok". We are now working our way through "new" grief and all the emotions that come with having a baby. Don't get me wrong, we are ridiculously in love and excited, but all of it is bittersweet.
And 2) Please watch your words.
He is not a miracle baby, a Christmas miracle or any other religious spin you want to put on it. "God" did not bless us with this baby because Bug died, Bug didnt send us his baby brother, Bug didn't die because we were meant to have Beanie etc etc etc.
He is a baby, that we got pregnant with like any other normal couple, that just so happened to come on Christmas due to medical reasons.
We would like to take a moment and say thank you for your continued support and understanding of this journey. This is not the way we ever imagined our lives going, but its now our reality.
We can only take it day by day.

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