sor•ry (ˈsɒr i, ˈsɔr i)
adj. -ri•er, -ri•est.
1. feeling regret, compunction, sympathy, pity, etc,
2. regrettable or deplorable; unfortunate
3. sorrowful; grieved.
4. suggestive of grief; melancholy.
5. wretched, poor, or useless.
6. (used interjectionally as a conventional apology)
While at the hospital after it happened
I can not tell you how many times I looked at James and said
Im sorry
Im so so sorry
I killed Bug
I killed our boy.
In all reality, I did nothing wrong,
but you can't tell a mother who just lost their baby
that they grew, named, carried, saw and were waiting for
that they did nothing wrong....
I find myself apologizing for things I shouldn't
Im sorry Im crying
Im sorry I always talk about him
Im sorry Im emotionally couldn't handle today
I feel like a fucking crazy person
Im learning that grieving is a process, and there is kind of a right and wrong way to do it....
and I realized that I am doing everything wrong.
I threw myself into a job 1 month and 4 days after it happened to "keep myself busy and my mind off things"
I thought that working would help, but its really making everything worse.
I stop myself from crying time and time again so I don't look like a crazy person.
No one can time a "grief attack" as I call it,
and when it happens there is absolutely no controlling it
trust me Ive tried
and when you try to control it, it only makes it worse....
I avoid conversation so I don't have to talk about it.
When people ask how I'm doing I give the typical
Im fine
because Im sure society would not handle
"Im fucking miserable. My son died 10 days before I was supposed to have him, and Im trying to learn how to live with it."
so this is me saying
I WILL cry
I WILL talk about him
I WILL do whatever it takes to get ME through another day without my Bug
and if you don't like it....too bad.
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