There will be many feelings about this post.
I for one am not, ever have been, or ever will be a believer in god.
So I can see how some people can say, if you don't believe in god then why are you offended by the term angel.
I get it.
People are allowed to call their babies whatever they want.
But I have never once mentioned Bug as an angel.
Nor will I ever.
But I sit here and cringe when I see on Instagram or Facebook
people posting pictures of their live babies
calling them angels.
Or using the hashtag #angelbaby
Those angels that you are describing
in a living picture
aren't angels
they are our babies.
The babies that never made it here on earth.
The babies that didn't get to come home with us.
The babies that we wanted and can never have.
To those in the baby loss and infant death community
that therm is not something I/we like hearing.
(I know there are some that find comfort in said terminology, but the many I have spoken to do not)
"Well Bug is an angel now"
or that saying
"Because someone we love is in heaven, there's a little bit of heaven in our home"
Bug is a baby.
And Bug didn't go anywhere,
He's on my bedside table, like he's been since the day I brought him home from the funeral home.