Friday, April 11, 2014

My Girls

The dogs do this really weird thing with their toys and its starting to creep me out.
When we first made Bugs room they would come in
sniff around
sit on the baby chair
and just walk around being all
why are mom and dad spending so much time in here?

After everything happened,
they still run around but realize they haven't been in that room a long time.
Now they run around like mad
but throughout the day, stack all their dog toys next to Bugs door.
Not in the hallway
but literally, right in front of Bugs door...
touching it...

Last week I couldn't find Phoebe for an hour
oh maybe she went and laid down in her kennel.
Nope she was perched
as if on watch
in front of Bugs door....

This morning I caught Baby Chi
throwing her duck at the door
as if playing fetch with it.
They don't do this to any other door in the house
and we keep all the doors closed.

I don't think of myself as one of those crazy pet owners
but seriously
will all this happening
I think they since his absence/presence...
its just really weird...

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