82 weeks
577 days
13,848 hours
830,880 minutes
49,852,800 seconds
since I found out I lost my son.
The months go by and sometimes I think having Carter makes the pain worse and better at the same time if that makes sense.
I enjoy every moment that I have with him, but it just stirs up more questions.
I cant help but look at Carter and wonder if they would have looked and sounded the same.
Hes so vocal and happy all the time.
If at this age would they have gotten along?
Bug would have been 1 year 7 months and Carter is now almost 6.
What would their interactions be like?
Alot of people have actually asked.
had you had Bug, would you have had Carter?
I don't see why we wouldn't have.
We both had agreed we wanted two kids.
Why does it matter how and when they came...
Honestly its none of your business